Keep permitting and inspections on track and contractors and community members informed, engaged, and raving about your department.

Communicate Better
How much time could be saved if contractors and community members could manage their own permitting and inspection requests, tracking, and even payment without ever having to pick up the phone or make a trip to the office?
With CommunityConnect, contractors and community members can easily:
- Apply for permits
- Track existing permits
- Upload plans
- Request inspections
- Access permit documents, including permit certificates and plan reviews
- View inspection results
- Pay Fees
Using the dashboard view, community members and contractors can see links and information about permits, scheduling, and fee payment options. They are able to add any documents required for permit applications, contractors can renew licenses online, and community members can even log complaints for code violations. It’s all at their fingertips.
Giving this kind of access means less time spent fielding questions and pulling documents, more work completed, and a happier community and staff.

CommunityConnect Project Plan Review
Applicant Training Video
Watch this quick “how-to” video to learn how to submit plans for review in your approved jurisdiction for plan review.
Click here to access the Project Plan Review Users Guide.