You Asked...We Listened!

You asked for enhancements and improvements to the Meritage permitting system. We listened.

The existing permitting platform is aging and has become difficult to extend and customize without impacting our users. In order to better support our users and their needs, we developed CommunityCore Solutions. The Solutions page outlines the three apps in the suite and the features of each.

With the release of CommunityCore Solutions, the process of migrating existing users of the Meritage permitting system into the new platform is officially underway. It’s important to note that we are not flipping a switch and moving everyone to the new system all at once. Instead, we’re working with each jurisdiction one-on-one to ensure all employees are trained and comfortable with the system.

The Meritage Systems migration team will help each jurisdiction transition from Meritage permitting to the new CommunityCore Solutions platform at no cost. All users will receive access to training, online documentation, and videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will my jurisdiction be migrated?

Our migration team will reach out to you in the near future to ensure we have up-to-date contact information and to assess the reports and documents that you need. As we get closer to your respective jurisdiction’s migration, the migration team will reach out with specific dates and advanced notification.

What happens when my jurisdiction is migrated?

As it nears the time for your jurisdiction to transition to the new CommunityCore Solutions platform, the migration team will contact your jurisdiction to discuss your migration.

Step 1: Training – We’ll ensure all users are trained. We’ll use a combination of WebEx meetings, online help, and how-to videos. You’ll have access to a test environment to get hands-on practice with CommunityCore Solutions.

Step 2: Test Data Migration – Your data is critical. We’ve already been testing our migration process to ensure every piece of data is moved without error. We’ll migrate your data into a test system where you can also verify that everything is migrated accurately.

Step 3: Migrate Data – We’ll move your data into the new system one final time before Go Live to ensure you have the most recent version. This will happen after-hours to ensure it does not impact your day-to-day activities.

Step 4: Go Live! – Immediately after your data is migrated, you’ll start using CommunityCore Solutions instead of Meritage permitting.

Step 5: Follow up – We’ll reach out to you on a regular basis to ensure CommunityCore Solutions is meeting your needs. As always, our Support team will be standing by to address your questions as quickly as possible.

How much does it cost?

Meritage Systems is not charging existing Meritage permitting customers to migrate to CommunityCore Solutions. The migration, as well as the online training and training materials, will be provided at no charge to the jurisdiction.

I don’t have time to migrate. Can I just keep using Meritage Permitting instead?

No. All jurisdictions using Meritage permitting are migrating into CommunityCore Solutions. Change is often difficult and uncertain. We get that. Through detailed preparation, proactive support, and proven experience, we’ll be here to help you every step of the way to ensure your migration goes as smoothly as possible.

What if I have questions, suggestions, or feedback?

Let us know. We designed CommunityCore Solution based on feedback and suggestions from our users as well as by sitting with permit techs, inspectors, plan reviewers, and building officials to hear about their frustrations and desires. Our primary goal is to build software that makes your job easier. We can’t do that without you.

Contact Kim Despins, Director of Product Management ( with feedback or suggestions as well as questions about migration. Contact Trisha Koeltzow, Migration Team Lead ( with questions about migration.

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